Are you looking for a way to stay up-to-date on the location and arrival times of buses and trains in Hillsborough County, FL? The OneBusAway app is the perfect solution for you. This mobile application is available for Android, Windows Phone, and iPhone users and provides real-time arrival information for public transport passengers. The OneBusAway Tampa app is user-friendly and works seamlessly with devices that have Internet access, such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. This app utilizes GPS technology to send up-to-date information about the arrival and departure of buses.
Even if you have an iPhone, you can still run the app on your iPad; however, it will be stuck in portrait mode with black bars on the sides when the iPad is in landscape mode. Planning your next trip has never been easier. With the OneBusAway app, you can know exactly when your bus will arrive in real time. Download the app today and make your travels more efficient!.