Luann Vleming

Luann Vleming

Lifelong zombie scholar. Lifelong social media specialist. Amateur zombie evangelist. Evil social media junkie. Typical zombieaholic. Award-winning coffee evangelist.

40 Posts Written
Exploring Hillsborough County with Bike Sharing Programs

Exploring Hillsborough County with Bike Sharing Programs

Mayor Bob Buckhorn recently unveiled an exciting plan to bring bike sharing programs to Hillsborough County, FL. The...

Lost and Found System for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL: A Comprehensive Guide

Lost and Found System for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you in search of a reliable lost and found system for items left on public transportation in Hillsborough County, FL? ...

The Cost of Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL: How Age Affects the Price

The Cost of Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL: How Age Affects the Price

Public transportation is an essential part of life in Hillsborough County, FL. The traffic authority Flamingo Fares Tampa ...

Transportation Referendum in Hillsborough County: What You Need to Know

Transportation Referendum in Hillsborough County: What You Need to Know

Residents of Hillsborough County, Florida, recently had the opportunity to vote on Referendum 2, a measure that proposed...

What is the Hillsborough County Transportation Disadvantaged Program?

What is the Hillsborough County Transportation Disadvantaged Program?

The lack of access to transportation can lead to feelings of isolation and neglect of medical needs. To help those in...

Reporting Lost or Stolen Tickets and Passes for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

Reporting Lost or Stolen Tickets and Passes for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

If you have lost or had your tickets or passes for public transportation in Hillsborough County, FL stolen, you may be...

Affordable Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

Affordable Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

Are you looking for an economical way to get around Hillsborough County, FL? Public transportation is a great option for...

What is the Most Common Form of Public Transportation?

What is the Most Common Form of Public Transportation?

Public transportation is an essential part of life in many cities around the world. The most widely used form of public...

What is the Most Popular Form of Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL?

What is the Most Popular Form of Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL?

The Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) agency is devoted to providing the citizens of Hillsborough County, Florida ...

Traveling to Tampa International Airport in Hillsborough County, FL: Public Transportation Options

Traveling to Tampa International Airport in Hillsborough County, FL: Public Transportation Options

Are you looking for a convenient way to get to Tampa International Airport? Look no further! Hillsborough County, FL...

Exploring Public Transportation Options in Hillsborough County, FL

Exploring Public Transportation Options in Hillsborough County, FL

Are you looking for public transportation options in Hillsborough County, FL? If so, you're in luck! There are a variety...

Rideshare Services at Public Transportation Stops in Hillsborough County, FL: An Expert's Guide

Rideshare Services at Public Transportation Stops in Hillsborough County, FL: An Expert's Guide

Waiting at a designated HART stop is the best way to access walk-in service. HART van services include HartFlex and...

Exploring Hillsborough County, FL with Public Transportation

Exploring Hillsborough County, FL with Public Transportation

Are you planning a trip to Hillsborough County, FL and looking for the best way to explore the area? Public...

How to Buy Tickets and Passes for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

How to Buy Tickets and Passes for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

Are you looking to purchase tickets or passes for public transportation in Hillsborough County, FL? You can easily do so...

Track Buses and Trains in Hillsborough County, FL with OneBusAway App

Track Buses and Trains in Hillsborough County, FL with OneBusAway App

Are you looking for a way to stay up-to-date on the location and arrival times of buses and trains in Hillsborough...

Improving Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL: Plans and Ideas

Improving Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL: Plans and Ideas

Navigating the current public transportation system in Hillsborough County, FL can be a challenge. But plans are underway ...

Accessibility of Public Transportation for People with Disabilities in Hillsborough County, FL

Accessibility of Public Transportation for People with Disabilities in Hillsborough County, FL

Hillsborough County, FL is committed to providing accessible public transportation for individuals with disabilities. All ...

Getting Around Hillsborough County, FL with Buses and Trains

Getting Around Hillsborough County, FL with Buses and Trains

Are you looking for a convenient way to explore Hillsborough County, FL? Look no further than the buses and trains...

How to Request a Stop at a Specific Address on Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

How to Request a Stop at a Specific Address on Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

If you need to make a stop at a specific address on public transportation in Hillsborough County, FL, you can take...

How to Easily Purchase Tickets or Passes for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

How to Easily Purchase Tickets or Passes for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

Are you looking for a convenient way to purchase tickets or passes for public transportation in Hillsborough County, FL?...

Public Transportation Options in Hillsborough County, FL: An Expert's Guide

Public Transportation Options in Hillsborough County, FL: An Expert's Guide

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) recognizes public transportation systems in North America in three...

Getting Around Hillsborough County: Special Services for Seniors Using Public Transportation

Getting Around Hillsborough County: Special Services for Seniors Using Public Transportation

Are you a senior, low-income individual, or person with disabilities living in Hillsborough County, Florida? If so, you...

How to Request a Refund for a Delayed or Cancelled Trip on Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

How to Request a Refund for a Delayed or Cancelled Trip on Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

HART van services, such as HartFlex and HartPlus (Paratransit), are powered by compressed natural gas (CNG) which is of...

Discounts for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

Discounts for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

Are you looking for ways to save money on public transportation in Hillsborough County, FL? If so, you're in luck! There...

The Impact of Weather on Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

The Impact of Weather on Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

Weather is a major factor in construction, and a rainy day can cause delays of up to three days as the soil dries out. It ...

Exploring Public Transportation Options in Hillsborough County, FL

Exploring Public Transportation Options in Hillsborough County, FL

Are you in search of dependable public transportation options in Hillsborough County, FL? If so, you've come to the right ...

Commuter Rail System in Hillsborough County, FL: An Expert's Perspective

Commuter Rail System in Hillsborough County, FL: An Expert's Perspective

For many inhabitants of the Tampa Bay area, the dream of living close to downtown shopping centers is often out of reach...

What is the Busiest Time of Day for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL?

What is the Busiest Time of Day for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL?

Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) is the go-to public transportation provider for Hillsborough County, Florida....

A Comprehensive Guide to Hillsborough County's Park and Ride System

A Comprehensive Guide to Hillsborough County's Park and Ride System

Are you looking for a convenient way to get around Hillsborough County, FL? Look no further than the HART Park-n-Ride...

Planning Trips and Finding Routes for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

Planning Trips and Finding Routes for Public Transportation in Hillsborough County, FL

Are you in search of a mobile app to help you plan trips and find routes for public transportation in Hillsborough...